About Senior Crazy – Senior Crazy

Senior Crazy is the Internet nickname of a large, multi-national company with more stores than Starbucks and gaining on McDonalds. We have gross revenues in the neighborhood of the gross national product of the US (around $21 Trillion dollars, U.S.) plus the hidden wealth of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, (currently estimated at between $70 and 200 billion dollars, U.S.) Like most large corporations we care deeply about you, and you can trust that.


“We” are (is?) just one person, an old guy with no particular credentials and who has a lot of opinions and way too small an audience. Most of what “we” are about here is building a simple blog and most of what “we” have to say will be contained in random blog posts. “We” comment mostly on how “we” see the world and not on a particular subject or theme. Like most semi-crazy old guys “we” care deeply about ourselves, but we care somewhat about you, too.

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