Are you kidding me? – Senior Crazy

Are you kidding me?

3 mins read

Some of you will have already seen the main part of this, as I may have sent it to you as a separate email. And also you know I almost never write anything very political in However, I’ll make an exception when funny or weird stuff happens, even if it’s political. So here’s today’s story, as literally true as I’m capable of making it, and I’ll appreciate any comments you care to make

Here’s an amusing event from today….went to Albertson’s grocery this afternoon and a crew of three black guys were out hitting up passers-by for signatures for another petition to require identification for federal voting. Naturally we refused, and as we passed one of the fellows, a nice-looking heavy-set man  decked with gold chains, a black hat, black t-shirt, black shorts, black shoes and a petition board, probably no more than 25 or so, said “Have a nice day! Trump 2024!” So naturally I turned and said “Are you kidding me?” and he smiled and I kept walking. But when we got inside the store I realized I really was baffled. So when I came out of the store I went back to the same fellow and said “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” He nodded so I went on. “I’m not trying to be rude here, I just want to learn. Why are you supporting Trump?” He looked at me vacantly so I said “That’s what you said to us when we passed you going into the store, remember? You said ‘Trump 2024!’ – and I’m really just curious as to why you’re supporting him.” So he grinned a huge smile, showed off two gold teeth, and said “Man, I was just spoofin’ you. We’re not supporting Trump!” I responded, a little confused, “You’re not?” “Hell no, man,” he said, chuckling. “We’re supporting RFK Jr!”

So I said, “You miserable fucker!” and slapped him on a thick shoulder we both cracked up and I went to the car and turned and saw him telling the story and all three of them were cracking up. But…….RFK Jr? You know, you just can’t make this stuff up. It’s only gonna get weirder, too. 

No, I didn’t go back to ask him “Well, then, why RFK Jr.?” I guess I figured they must have also been anti-vaxers or something, Hope you all are well. If we haven’t talked let me know how you’re doin’. And, while I’m at it, Biden 2024!

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