Join The Senior Crazy Community – Senior Crazy

Would You Like To Join The Senior Crazy Community? Wouldja, huh?

At the present time, joining the Senior Crazy Community simply means subscribing, which we hope you do.

If you are like us, however, you’ll have a desire to do more. It seems to you like the world is a crazier place than you would have ever believed possible. Everyone holds an opposite position from you on virtually everything. And nobody believes you when you express yourself. Everything seems heavily politicized to the point that you don’t feel safe saying much of anything anymore. And while you’d like to believe traditional authority figures like our government, over and over again they are immediately found to be lying about nearly anything. So, again, you have no idea what to do about your present situation.

This actually goes further in that, since you are or have entered the fourth quarter of your life, you don’t know what that means and what you are supposed to do. Do you sit home and wait for the kids or grandkids to call? And your birthday isn’t for three months, so isn’t that a little futile? Do you call around to volunteer your expertise and your time just to find that you really aren’t wanted? Are you tired of playing golf with the same people who can’t play any better than you and shouldn’t be out on a big-person course anymore, either?

If any of the above resonates with you, then subscribe. And once we get enough critical mass, maybe a few hundred of us, we can start a forum or something and talk about this stuff. Maybe we can find some companionship that way or maybe we could actually help each other feel less “Senior Crazy” in a world that wants to move past us without us.

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